Colonial Dental Group Cosmetic Dentistry Blog - Dooley, Lewis, and Quezada
Monday, August 25, 2008
Tooth Whitening
In-office tooth whitening
Using advanced technology we can whiten your smile by four to six shades in a single office visit. In a typical 60-minute session, the dentist first covers and protects the gums and lips. Then he applies a whitening gel with a high concentration of hydrogen peroxide. A bright light is shone for 20 minutes on the gel, speeding its action. This is done twice more for 20 minutes each. A fluoride treatment completes the treatment, and now your smile is dramatically whiter than it was before.
Take-home whitening kits
Take-home whitening kits use professional-strength whitening-agents. We will make you upper and lower trays to fit exactly over your teeth. The kit includes a little instruction booklet, a shade strip where you can mark your Before and After colors, and a supply of desensitizing gel in case your teeth become too sensitive. In your own time, you can wear the trays for 30 to 40 minutes each day and achieve results as dramatic as those of an in-office procedure.
If you live in the Chicago area and would like to learn more about tooth whitening, please call or email us at the Colonial Dental Group to schedule your initial consultation.
posted by Patti at 1:45 PM 0 comments
Monday, August 18, 2008
The TMJ is one of the most complex joints of the body. It allows the jaw to not only open and close on a hinge, but also to slide back and forth and sideways. The versatility of this joint also allows more opportunities for pain and dysfunction.
You can see some of the TMD symptoms listed on our Neuromuscular Dentistry page and read about two of them in particular on the Bruxism and Headaches pages.
TMD can be caused by an impact to the side of the head, by genetic factors, by chronic tooth-grinding, or by misaligned teeth which prevent your upper and lower teeth from meeting comfortably.
We offer TMD diagnosis and treatment. Two of our dentists, Dr. Dooley and Dr. Quezada, are graduates of LVI (the Las Vegas Institute for Advanced Dental Studies). They have completed extensive post-graduate training in neuromuscular dentistry and will be happy to give you a personal consultation. Please contact us to set one up.
posted by Patti at 1:41 PM 0 comments
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Symptoms of TMD
- Chronic and severe headaches
- Neck, face, and shoulder pain
- Limited range of jaw motion
- Clicking or popping noises when the jaw moves, which may or may not be painful
- Tingling in the hands
- Tooth grinding (which may also be a cause of TMD)
- Premature tooth wear
- Unaccountably loose teeth
- Chronic tension in the jaw muscles
- Earache or ringing in the ears
TMD causes are not all fully understood. It is often connected to having a small mouth, teeth in need of orthodontic work, and emotional stress which causes tooth grinding. It may also be caused by a blow to the side of the head. The cause may not actually be a dental cause, but the consequences will include dental problems.
Our dentists practice neuromuscular dentistry and can diagnose and treat TMD. They can determine your optimal jaw alignment and design a customized treatment to relieve your pain and correct your bite. Please call or email us if you would like to have a personal consultation.
posted by Patti at 1:34 PM 0 comments
Friday, August 1, 2008
Sleep Apnea
These periods of breathlessness (apnea) may go unnoticed by the person experiencing them, but their consequences are readily apparent.
- Fatigue
- Morning headaches
- Dry mouth
- General malaise
Obese people are more susceptible to sleep apnea due to the increased volume of lax tissue blocking the airway.
Some ways to deal with it
Lifestyle changes are commonly encouraged to address obstructive sleep apnea.
- Weight loss
- Smoking cessation
- Lying on your side instead of your back
- Sleeping with your head and back elevated up to thirty degrees
We can also use oral appliance therapy (OAT) to make you a dental device. You would wear it in the mouth at night and it works by shifting the jaw forward to open the airway.
Another treatment option known as Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) is a machine that assists in breathing during the night when apnea occurs.
If you would like to know more about sleep apnea, please contact us, and we will set up a personal consultation for you.
posted by Patti at 1:25 PM 0 comments