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Colonial Dental Group Cosmetic Dentistry Blog - Dooley, Lewis, and Quezada

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Dental Health: Canker Sores and Oral Cancer

Many mouth sores are common and require no treatment at all. Though they may be painful or uncomfortable, most common mouth sores will heal on their own within a few weeks. There are some instances, however, that should be referred to your dentist.

Canker Sores

Canker sores are small ulcers that appear inside of the mouth. They are round, white or gray in color, and have a red ring on the outside. Most canker sores require no medical intervention and will go away on their own within a few weeks. If you have canker sore that lasts for more than three weeks, grows excessively large, starts to multiply, or causes extreme pain however, you should contact the dentists at Colonial Dental Group right away for a thorough examination and review of your treatment options.

Proper oral hygiene, and avoiding acidic foods may all help combat the appearance and irritation of canker sores. In some instances orthodontic devices like braces and dentures can aggravate canker sores, and these should be reported to your dentist immediately to avoid additional problem.

Oral Cancer

Cancerous growths inside the mouth can look like canker sores at the beginning. Oral cancer is not limited to the inside of the mouth, and can quickly change size and shape. Early detection of oral cancer through regular dental checkups is the most effective way to treat this disease before it becomes a problem.

Early detection is your best bet for combating oral cancer. Lifestyle choices like not using tobacco products and alcohol can also lower your risks for this disease.

If you live in or around Chicago, Illinois and have a sore in your mouth that has not healed within three weeks, or is causing you pain or discomfort, please contact us immediately. The experienced dentists at Colonial Dental Group will be able to examine, diagnose, and treat the problem in an effective and efficient manner.

posted by Erica at 11:31 AM


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