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Colonial Dental Group Cosmetic Dentistry Blog - Dooley, Lewis, and Quezada

Monday, August 3, 2009

Should I get Tooth Whitening Before or After my Procedure?

Teeth whitening is one of the most common cosmetic dentistry procedures we perform at our Glenview, Illinois office. With our professional tooth whitening options, you can improve the shade of your teeth in as little as an hour, or you can take a tooth whitening kit home to whiten your teeth in the comfort of your home.

Our tooth whitening options penetrate deep into the enamel of your teeth to remove stains from pigmented foods and drinks. After tooth whitening, you can expect your smile to be at least six or eight shades brighter.

Dental restoration materials (porcelain and white composite resins) do not respond to a whitening procedure. Therefore, if you are considering porcelain inlays or onlays to replace old metal fillings, or a dental bonding procedure, we suggest that you have your teeth whitened first so that we can match your restoration to your new bright color.

If you are suffering from deeper stains that cannot be removed with teeth whitening, porcelain veneers can cover them, as can dental bonding, so that you have a beautiful white smile.

To learn more about tooth whitening, please contact our cosmetic dentistry office to schedule your personal consultation.

posted by Anonymous at 3:01 PM


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